Saturday, August 4, 2012

KOSHMAN FENIUK FENYUK Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery Plankey Plains Manitoba

Спочивае Стифан Кошман
уп. 1930 р.
прожив 75 ро.
сеи хрест
поставила донька
Маріа Финюк
Вічная память.

This is the grave marker at Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, Plankey Plains, Manitoba for Stephan Koshman, my great-great grandfather. 

Here lies Stefan Koshman
Died in the year 1930
Lived 75 years
This cross
placed here by his daughter
Maria Feniuk
Memory eternal.

From the memoir of Wasylyna Koshman German (Gorman) as told to Ann Sherman and published in The Carillon News,  April 1974:

In the spring of 1900 Stephan Koshman took a cancelled homestead for $30.00, the farm where the Plankey Plains Ukrainian Catholic Church is now situated, built their home on the south half and moved his family from Kulachkowsky’s.  Their new neighbor was Frank Millar (Fern Horobetz’s Dad) who farmed the place later owned by John Bialkoski.  Mr. Millar was a very good neighbor, he also spoke Ukrainian so that it brought a real closeness between him and the Koshman’s who could not speak any English.

About 1903, men of the surrounding neighborhood held meetings in the homes in regards to choosing a spot for a cemetery.  Men attending included Nick Didychuk, Harry Goy (grandfather of Mrs. Mike Tkachuk), Steve Horbul, S. Koshman, Jack Pawloski, father of Pete Pawloski, Winnipeg, N. Polischuk (Mrs. Cherwaty’s father), Mike Nawolski, Oliksa Tkachuk (Jack’s dad), Dan Horbul, J. Gorman and Sam Gorman (husband of Wasylyna).
Jack Pawloski agreed to donate an acre of land and so did Stephan Koshman, but they soon were to find out that there was a road allowance between the two farms.  The first membership fees were 25 cents and another acre of land was bought from Jack Pawloski where the land was quite a bit higher.

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